Attention All Freedom Fighters...

Deep in the heart of every person is a Passion, A Desire, A Dream, At some point we forget what would it look like if we...Woke Up. It's time. Remember the dream. The stories that stir our hearts, are about people that have a dream and are willing to fight for it. When Rosa Parks refused to go to the back of the bus, she sparked a movement that brought freedom to millions. When Martin Luther King dared to Dream a Dream, he energized a movement that changed history. Joan of Arc..she knew her purpose. She had a mission. People followed her because...She believed "To sacrifice what you are, and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying". Somewhere along the way did you lose your dream? Your Purpose? Everyone has a story. What's your story? When it matters there will always be opposition. Bring It On! What are you waiting for? Your Time. Your Path. Your Healing. Your resolve. Your Mission. Your Passion. Your Calling. Your Heart. Your Life. Your Legacy. Who will you fight for? What will you fight for? Remember your dream.

I wanted to create a place where people can encourage one another and help one another to fight for their freedom. I hope that this will be such a place. I would love to hear what has encouraged you .

Saturday 28 May 2011

Keep Trying!

Edison tried 9,000 experiments before he created the light bulb. His house burned up on one of the experiments and then the light bulb manifested. Lesson: sometimes you need to burn everything up and start over from scratch in order to get your blessing.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom

I doubt very seriously that when you hear the phrase *spiritual disciplines* that the first word that comes to mind is *freedom* yet this was the take-away from my Compass coaching clients this month as we wrapped up The Coach Approach To Spiritual Habits. I have only one explanation: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Randee Krumwiede

Thursday 12 May 2011

Thursday 5 May 2011

Never let what you cannot do stop you from doing what you CAN do!

I can't throw a curveball to save my life. I have two left feet on the dance floor. My sense of humor is practically laughable. I’m a hair stylist’s worst nightmare. And I can barely strum a guitar. Who am I? I’m Bill Gates, the second-richest man in the world. Like everyone else, there are thousands of things you cannot do. Ignore them. Focus on what you can do, and do them well. You’ll flat-out surprise yourself.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Life of your Dreams

The life of your dreams is within your reach. No matter who has disappointed you or what mistakes you have made, today is a new day."Kim Fulcher"